Autopsy Findings in a Sudden Death Case
Hamidreza Daneshparvar , Hanieh Saboori1 , Mohammadjavad Hedayatshodeh 2, Abolfazl Amiri2 , Mahboobeh Asgari2 , Behzad Ghazanfaripoor21  |
1- MD. Forensic Department, Medicine Faculty, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran 2- MD. Legal Medicine Research Center, Legal Medicine Organization, Tehran, Iran |
Abstract: (5260 Views) |
Introduction: Trafficking illicit drugs by body packers is a common problem in many countries. Trying to hide the packs by these people and lack of clear history in most cases makes diagnosis difficult. This study was an autopsy finding about a sudden death in a 37-year-old man suffering from cardiac arrest at the airport.
Patient & Methods: On December 1, 2017, a 37-year-old man at Imam Khomeini airport in Tehran, while intending travel abroad, suffered from cardiac arrest and sudden death. Due to death in public places and unknown cause of death, the body was referred to Forensic Organization. On the physical examination, no apparent signs of trauma were found. There was no abnormal observation in the examination of the brain, heart, throat, and larynx. The lungs were firm and congested. Mucous erosion was observed in the stomach and narrow intestine. In longitudinal incision of the colon, 13 white packets of 2 cm in length and 0.5 cm in width, were found containing methamphetamine, two of which were pierced and discharged into the body. In GC-mass and TLC toxicology tests, the presence of methamphetamine in urine, bile, and stomach contents was confirmed and acute toxicity of methamphetamine was determined as the cause.
Conclusion: In cases of sudden unexpected death in young individuals, especially at airports and terminals, pierced packs in a body packer should be considered as the cause of death. Performing a complete autopsy to confirm the toxicity and determining the type of drug trafficking and rule out the other causes of death and homicidal matters is necessary. |
Keywords: Body packer, Methamphetamine, Sudden death |
Full-Text [PDF 470 kb]
Type of Article: Research Article |
Received: 2018/06/12 | Revised: 2019/03/18 | Accepted: 2018/09/30 | ePublished: 2018/12/20
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Daneshparvar H, Saboori H, Hedayatshodeh M, Amiri A, Asgari M, Ghazanfaripoor2 B. Autopsy Findings in a Sudden Death Case. Iran J Forensic Med 2018; 24 (3) :249-254 URL: