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:: Volume 24, Issue 3 (2018) ::
Iran J Forensic Med 2018, 24(3): 229-248 Back to browse issues page
Legal Measures for the Prevention and Counteraction of Crimes and Violation of Food and Drink in Iran’s Legal System
Ali Parvini1 , Majid Aghaei2 , Mona Taheri Danaloo 3
1- PhD. Criminal Rights & Criminology Department, Human Sciences Faculty, Roodehen Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2- PhD. Criminal Rights & Criminology Department, Human Sciences Faculty, Islamshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3- MSc. Criminal Rights & Criminology Department, Human Sciences Faculty, Islamshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tahran, Iran , mona.taheri62@gmail.com
Abstract:   (4444 Views)
Introduction: As one of the vital needs of the human community, the health of food and drink has always attracted the attention of legislators. Because unhealthy nutrition has adverse effects and consequences such as the spread of disease, physical and psychological disturbances will be addressed to the community. The aim of this study was to investigate the legal measures for the prevention and counteraction of crimes and violation of food and drink in Iran’s legal system. In this review study with library method, materials were collected by taking notes and they were analyzed, using descriptive-analytical method and logical deduction.
Conclusion: To respond to what the crimes and violation of food stuff field are and what the measures of legislator are to confronte and prevent these crimes, primary legitimate criminal policy of Iran in food stuff and drink field and its dimensions, as well as important institutions for dealing with these crimes and violation were expressed. Then the measures that legislators in anticipation and prevention of these crimes and incidents have predicted, depending on the current rules, were investigated. Finally, these challenges and solutions in this field and the ways to egress have been mentioned.
Keywords: Food and drinking stuff, Crimes and offenses, Legal measures
Full-Text [PDF 414 kb]   (3156 Downloads)    
Type of Article: Research Article |
Received: 2018/05/15 | Revised: 2019/03/18 | Accepted: 2018/10/16 | ePublished: 2018/12/20
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Parvini A, Aghaei M, Taheri Danaloo M. Legal Measures for the Prevention and Counteraction of Crimes and Violation of Food and Drink in Iran’s Legal System. Iran J Forensic Med 2018; 24 (3) :229-248
URL: http://sjfm.ir/article-1-1016-en.html

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