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:: Volume 24, Issue 4 (2019) ::
Iran J Forensic Med 2019, 24(4): 37-46 Back to browse issues page
Jurisprudential-Legal Approaches to Stem Cells Technology
A Purebrahim1 , I Goldozian 2, A Ramezani3 , M Moradi4
1- Young Researchers and Elite club, Qeshm Branch, Azad Islamic University, Qeshm, Iran
2- Law & Political Science Department, Humanities Faculty, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran , igoldoz@ut.ac.ir
3- Law Department, Humanities Faculty, University of Knowledge & Culture, Tehran, Iran
4- Law Department, Humanities Faculty, Qeshm Branch, Azad Islamic University, Qeshm, Iran
Abstract:   (4988 Views)
Introduction: Along with the use of stem cells technology, many jurisprudential, moral, and legal challenges have been created, including the exploitation of women, intentional abortion, conversion embryos into commodities, stem cells trade, breaking the human dignity, and threats caused by biological agents. Elimination of such possible consequences requires drafting laws and legal mechanisms compatible with regional and cultural beliefs of peoples in the country. The aim of this study was to investigate jurisprudence-legal approaches to stem cells technology. Embryonic stem cells are more favorable to the medical community due to their lack of differentiation for the treatment of various diseases; since the extraction of embryonic stem cells necessarily involves the destruction of embryos, there will be many debates and disagreements, and there are ethical, religious, and sometimes dissenting views on the subject in general. The present review research was conducted, using library and documentary method and studying books, papers, and researches and other authoritave scientific references.
Conclusion: Despite many efforts in the framework of formal and informal arrangements and considering religious, cultural, and social potential capacities of the country, unfortunately the rules in this issue require a serious and effective plan.
Keywords: Stem cell, Jurisprudential approach, Legal Status, Criminalization
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Type of Article: Research Article |
Received: 2018/02/18 | Revised: 2021/01/30 | Accepted: 2018/09/30 | ePublished: 2019/03/19
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Purebrahim A, Goldozian I, Ramezani A, Moradi M. Jurisprudential-Legal Approaches to Stem Cells Technology. Iran J Forensic Med 2019; 24 (4) :37-46
URL: http://sjfm.ir/article-1-1021-en.html

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