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:: Volume 30, Issue 3 (2024) ::
Iran J Forensic Med 2024, 30(3): 172-178 Back to browse issues page
Epidemiology Study of Accidents Leading to Death in Iranian Motorcyclists in 2011 to 2021
Reza Hajmanouchehri1 , Atefeh Farokhi 2
1- Legal Medicine Research Center, Iranian Legal Medicine Organization, Tehran, Iran
2- Legal Medicine Research Center, Iranian Legal Medicine Organization, Tehran, Iran , a_farokhi47@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (269 Views)
Introduction: Injuries and deaths caused by road traffic accidents are increasing daily. One of the important causes of disability and death in Iran is traffic accidents related to motorcyclists. This study aimed to investigate the epidemiology of traffic accidents leading to the death of motorcyclists in 2011 to 2021.
Methods: In this study, using the available data of the Forensic Medical Organizationof the country, it was conducted among Iranian motorcyclists who died in traffic accidents between in 2011 to 2021. Data were collected using a checklist and analyzed in SPSS 23.
Results: During the years 2011 to 2021, 42685 people died due to motorcycle accidents, of which 95.6% were men and 4.4% were women. Also under 30 years old 53.6% died. Most victims died in hospital (51.2%) due to head injuries (54.6%). The mortality rate was higher in people with the less than diploma (78.4%) and self-employed (39.2%). Among the victims 47.3% died on suburban roads and 39% died on inner city roads. Among the dead, 78% were drivers, and 20.6% were passengers. Also, most accidents (48%) occurred on suburban roads.
Conclusion: In order to reduce accidents, preventive strategies such as respect for laws, access to essentials and knowledge of the correct use of safety devices are recommended, especially among young men.
Keywords: Epidemiology, Traffic crashes, Motorcyclist
Full-Text [PDF 941 kb]   (93 Downloads)    
Type of Article: Research Article | Subject: Forensic Epidemiology
Received: 2024/02/24 | Revised: 2024/12/8 | Accepted: 2024/08/28 | ePublished: 2024/12/7
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Research code: ندارد
Ethics code: ندارد
Clinical trials code: ندارد

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Hajmanouchehri R, Farokhi A. Epidemiology Study of Accidents Leading to Death in Iranian Motorcyclists in 2011 to 2021. Iran J Forensic Med 2024; 30 (3) :172-178
URL: http://sjfm.ir/article-1-1527-en.html

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Volume 30, Issue 3 (2024) Back to browse issues page
مجله پزشکی قانونی ایران Iranian Journal of Forensic Medicine
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