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:: Volume 21, Issue 1 (2015) ::
Iran J Forensic Med 2015, 21(1): 35-42 Back to browse issues page
Trend of Mortality Rate and Causes of Death in Qazvin Province, 2004- 2008
Fereshteh Faghihi , Nahid Jafari , Ali Akbari Sari1 , Sahavnaz Nedjat , Maryam Hosainzadeh
1- Tehran University of Medical Sciences
Abstract:   (10091 Views)
Background: Analysis of rate and causes of death is one of the important tools for identifying the health needs in any community, for planning and monitoring health care programmes and appropriate allocation of limited resources. Many countries have a registration system specially designed for reporting and documenting their mortality data. Analysis of these data is commonly conducted in a regular basis to inform any policy making regarding their future healthcare programmes. The aim of this study was to analyse data from a combination of death registration systems in Quazvin Province of Iran. Methods: This is a cross-sectional survey conducted by secondary analysis of data collected from a combination of death registry systems in Quazvin province of Iran. The data were collected and put into an Excel software for years 2004 to 2008 (ICD 10). The trend of death, rate of death and causes of death were analyzed over the 5 year periods according to the age, sex and residence area (urban and rural). Findings: Deaths due to communicable disease has decreased and deaths due to non-communicable diseases have increased over time. The leading causes of death were accidents, cardiovascular disease and cancers and in these three groups the majority of deaths were due to myocardial infarction, transportation accidents and stomach cancer. The study also showed that death rate due to physical and mental disorders resulting from substance abuse has increased during these years (from %1.6 to %7.3). Also death due to suicide has been increased over this time in both sexes. The most common method of suicide was hanging in men and self burning in women. The mortality rate was more in rural population than urban population. Conclusion: According to our finding, rise of proportional mortality ratio (PMR) for neoplasm requires special attention in the control and prevention programs .Death was more common in rural population compared to urban population. According to the villagers, and increased access to specialized diagnostic and treatment enjoys a certain priority.
Keywords: Cause of Death, Proportional Mortality Ratio, Time Trend
Full-Text [PDF 401 kb]   (4587 Downloads)    
Type of Article: Research Article | Subject: Forensic Medicine
Received: 2014/05/18 | Accepted: 1901/12/14 | ePublished: 2015/06/9

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Faghihi F, Jafari N, Akbari Sari A, Nedjat S, Hosainzadeh M. Trend of Mortality Rate and Causes of Death in Qazvin Province, 2004- 2008. Iran J Forensic Med 2015; 21 (1) :35-42
URL: http://sjfm.ir/article-1-661-en.html

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Volume 21, Issue 1 (2015) Back to browse issues page
مجله پزشکی قانونی ایران Iranian Journal of Forensic Medicine
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