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:: Volume 20, Issue 2 (2014) ::
Iran J Forensic Med 2014, 20(2): 27-36 Back to browse issues page
The Study of Fatal Complications of “Rice Tablet “Poisoning
Farideh Khodabandeh 1, Alireza Kahani2 , Ghasem Soleimani2
1- Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences , Tennessee_kh@yahoo.com
2- Research Center of Forensic Medicine Organization
Abstract:   (17570 Views)

Background: Aluminum phosphide (ALP) is an inorganic phosphide used to control insects and rodents in a variety of settings. In has extensive domestic consumption, commonly for storing rice in Iran. In this study we objectively demonstrate the frequency of fatal complications of poisoning due to aluminum phosphide (ALP) in patients referred to Loghman Hospital's Center for Toxicological, Tehran, Iran. Aluminium phosphide is an inorganic compound, used as a rodenticide, insecticide, for stored cereal grains. In Iran Known as "rice tablet, for its use to preserve rice. The toxicity of aluminium phosphide is attributed to the liberation of phosphine gas  in contact with with water or weak acid and is the major cause of poisoning and deaths. Rice tablet (Alminume Phosphid) poisoning may be associated with Serious and sometimes incurable complications. The aim of this study, is to assess the Prevalence of complications leading to death in patients with acute Alminume Phosphid poisoning.

Method: A retrospective cross sectional study of 111 self-poisoned patients with history of single agent“ Rice Tablet”  ingestion admitted to Loghman–Hakim hospital poison center, Tehran, Iran, along two years  period, from, 1392-1389.

Findings: Out of 111 patients included in this study, 60 patients (54.1%) were male and 51 patients (45.9%) were female with Mean age and standard deviation of 26±8.9. Minimum  and maximum age  rang  was between  15 and 43 years .Uniform  ingestion  were reported in 61.3% (68 patients) .Dose consumption ranges   from ¼ tablet in 39 (35.1%)  case to more than one tablet in 32 (28.2%) cases .Post ingestion time in 36%  were within last one hours at the arrivals to Emergency Department. Vomiting was the most common symptoms reported by 107 (96.4%) patients at their owne places. Agittation in 36.9% (41 cases) and felling of thirsty in 27.9% (31 cases) reported by physician in duty of Emergeny department.

Conclusion: Although maney complications such as Hypotension ,Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrom (ARDS), Acute Renal Failure (ARF) AND Multi Organ Failure (MOF) were the common complications  observed  in these patients, but the most lethal complication  was Cardiac Arrhythmias occurred in in 41 (36.9%)  of cases.

Background: Aluminum phosphide (ALP) is an inorganic phosphide used to control insects and rodents in a variety of settings. In has extensive domestic consumption, commonly for storing rice in Iran. In this study we objectively demonstrate the frequency of fatal complications of poisoning due to aluminum phosphide (ALP) in patients referred to Loghman Hospital's Center for Toxicological, Tehran, Iran. Aluminium phosphide is an inorganic compound, used as a rodenticide, insecticide, for stored cereal grains. In Iran Known as "rice tablet, for its use to preserve rice. The toxicity of aluminium phosphide is attributed to the liberation of phosphine gas  in contact with with water or weak acid and is the major cause of poisoning and deaths. Rice tablet (Alminume Phosphid) poisoning may be associated with Serious and sometimes incurable complications. The aim of this study, is to assess the Prevalence of complications leading to death in patients with acute Alminume Phosphid poisoning

Method: A retrospective cross sectional study of 111 self-poisoned patients with history of single agent“ Rice Tablet”  ingestion admitted to Loghman–Hakim hospital poison center, Tehran, Iran, along two years  period, from, 1392-1389.

Findings: Out of 111 patients included in this study, 60 patients (54.1%) were male and 51 patients (45.9%) were female with Mean age and standard deviation of 26±8.9. Minimum  and maximum age  rang  was between  15 and 43 years .Uniform  ingestion  were reported in 61.3% (68 patients) .Dose consumption ranges   from ¼ tablet in 39 (35.1%)  case to more than one tablet in 32 (28.2%) cases .Post ingestion time in 36%  were within last one hours at the arrivals to Emergency Department. Vomiting was the most common symptoms reported by 107 (96.4%) patients at their owne places. Agittation in 36.9% (41 cases) and felling of thirsty in 27.9% (31 cases) reported by physician in duty of Emergeny department.

Conclusion: Although maney complications such as Hypotension ,Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrom (ARDS), Acute Renal Failure (ARF) AND Multi Organ Failure (MOF) were the common complications  observed  in these patients, but the most lethal complication  was Cardiac Arrhythmias occurred in in 41 (36.9%)  of cases.

Keywords: Alminume Phosphid. Rice Tablet, Poisoning, Complication, Death
Full-Text [PDF 617 kb]   (28294 Downloads)    
Type of Article: Research Article | Subject: Forensic Medicine
Received: 2014/06/24 | Revised: 2014/07/6 | Accepted: 2014/06/24 | ePublished: 2014/06/24
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Khodabandeh F, Kahani A, Soleimani G. The Study of Fatal Complications of “Rice Tablet “Poisoning. Iran J Forensic Med 2014; 20 (2) :27-36
URL: http://sjfm.ir/article-1-584-en.html

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Volume 20, Issue 2 (2014) Back to browse issues page
مجله پزشکی قانونی ایران Iranian Journal of Forensic Medicine
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